Perspektywy | November 2021

Studia MBA – from a „nice to have” to a „must have”

A student’s voice

What do graduates themselves say about their expectations and whether they were met? – I chose the MBA program at the Gdańsk Foundation for Management Education – says Maciej Krzesiński, Director of Marketing and Cooperation with Foreign Entities at the Management Board of the Gdynia Seaport. – The studies were to complement my knowledge, as I have a general economic education. I am a financier by profession, and I specialize in tangible investments at work. Since I have been in managerial positions for quite some time now, I decided to supplement my knowledge in the field of management. I wanted to acquire knowledge from practitioners. I wanted to study where I could meet these practitioners, and where lecturers would not only have theoretical knowledge, but also experience from their work in consulting firms.

The studies at GFKM fully met his expectations. The implemented program allowed him to systematize the knowledge he already possessed and supplement it so that it would form a transparent whole.

– It was also very valuable to learn about new trends, because management is a field that undergoes constant and very dynamic development – adds Director Krzesiński. – The block dedicated to soft skills in management, and particularly effective communication, proved to be very useful for me as a financier. I also learned tools that I use in my current work. Such studies are also taken to expand one’s network of contacts with people who deal with similar issues in their professional work. My group turned out to be diverse. This was very good because I work in a port, which is a place that integrates many different industries.


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